• Should You File Bankruptcy Before Or During A Recession?

    With a recession looming in 2023, financial stability is more important than ever. But should you boost your own stability by filing for bankruptcy before that recession hits? Or should you consider timing it during a recession?  The answer varies depending on your particular circumstances. To help you find the right timing, here are a few reasons to start your case now or later. Why File Bankruptcy Now Recessions tend to bring job instability and difficulty finding new ones.
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  • Losing Money From Your Paycheck? Consider Chapter 7

    Bad financial situations tend to only get worse with time. The people that you owe money to can take some unbelievably punitive actions when you don't pay according to the agreements. One move they can make is to take money from your paycheck before you even get a chance to do anything about it. Read on and find out more. How Does it Happen? After several months of not paying your credit card bills, medical debts, and other types of bills, the creditor may turn your account over to a collection agency.
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